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New life...

10 blissful days working at a solar and wind powered festival in Kent, a nightmarish journey through London with too much stuff and I finally dropped my bags at the back of my boat.Sweet relief. Put the kettle on and opened the back up to let in some cool spring air. Big sigh and relax. Even in this short time away the Island has changed.A sea of buttercups and the sky a snow of dandelion fluff.My feelings of gratitude and wonder are amplified all the more by the knowledge that this could be taken away from us soon. Then, in my peripheral vision, a sight to lift the spirits and forever be remembered. Ella and Gerald, the king and queen swans of the basin proudly present to me the cutest little grey fluffy squeaky cygnets.It was a moment of major melting. Each year for the five years I have lived here they have laid eggs but have been unsuccessful in incubating and hatching young. This year, Bingo! Guess where they made their nest? You got it! On one of the old wooden sunken boats the Broads Authority want us to destroy and remove. It's not just us humans who face being displaced from our chosen habitat. So back into the rhythm of work and everyday life. Two days later Ella and Gerry come to visit me but there is only one baby. No please no! I scoured the water with my binoculars but no sign of baby 2. then I notice a little wriggle of grey. baby 2 has hitched a ride in the bosom of her mothers wings. All is well, a kingfisher flashes by and i smile.Real life in real time. So much better than TV.

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