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The animals came in 2 by 2

The creatures appreciate how special this place is too. That's why across the species it seems that only one alpha pair hold sway.This is a million dollar penthouse in animal terms. I've named the swans Ella and Gerald.They're a great fit. (Jazz fans will understand) Each has their own unique personality. Ella is elegant and gentle. She knocks on my boat and daintily takes food from my hand, careful not to nip. Gerry usually turns up 5 minutes later and is brusque, a little arrogant. Ella bows gracefully and lets him have his fill. They take turns to usher upstart geese and duck from their feeding zone. At this point I must say that I only offer food in the breeding season. Months without an "R" to give parents and young a slightly better chance. I feed pre-soaked bread and value cornflakes. Cornflakes hydrate quickly and are closer than bread to natural food sources for wildfowl. Ella and Gerry make their nest on the small wooden sunken boat the BA want Roger to destroy. I've named the Egyptian geese couple Freddie and Nefertiti. They occupy war hero Commander Ashby's sunken 1937 motor cruiser (also feted to be no more) Their dawn racket and evenings return you can set your watch by. Sounds like the waterfowl equivalent of angry scousers. A barking cacophony of attitude. The first time I met them I was walking towards my bicycle and in my peripheral vision with the soundtrack of clack clack clack,saw mum and dad plus 6 goslings, wings akimbo chasing me away. I averted my gaze, hunched and slowly walked away to show no threat. Within a week this family were visiting my boat for food, seeing that Ella and Gerry were enjoying daily fine dining. By height of summer they were eating out of my hand. The following year, not having seen Freddie and Nefertiti for 6 months or more I was once again walking towards my bike in the morning on my way to work and joy of joys! In my peripheral vision saw Fred and Nef with 8 goslings but instead of trying to chase me away, they remembered me and somehow in goose squawk instructed their babies that "this human is good, run to him, he will help you" A moment I will never forget. To witness great crested grebes dive and dart in pursuit of fish through crystal waters is a sight to behold. Supremely evolved to occupy a unique niche and super successful. Never ceases to amaze me to see them swallow a fish 3 times the size of their head after a successful chase. I've named our grebes Status and Quo. The first couple of years I lived on the Island they made their amazing raft like nest far away from our boats but were unsuccessful in hatching young.. One time at least was due to fishermen speeding off and creating wake, spilling eggs to the river bed having caught nothing. 2014 however they made their nest not 30 feet from my boat and for the first time became proud parents. Same again last year. Grebes, swans, geese, moorhens, kingfishers, otters, ducks, pike, perch, successful and choosing to be close to us. Thank you mother nature for your daily miracles and beauty. And as for Ronnie the miniature Shetland rescue pony. He is 30 and when found in a yard in Kings Lynn had splinters in his gums. he was so hungry he was eating wood.

Now he is in horsey heaven. We go nostril to nostril in the morning when I leave for work and in the evening when i come home. Always with a carrot, apple or a couple of slices of bread. We brought horses to the Island because the Broads Authority won't even let us cut the grass. Ronnie is a little living lawnmower. And incase you're wondering we do have planning permission for him in the form of a first world war covenant that allowed grazing of animals in support of the war perpetuity which I understand means forever. But the Broads Authority would probably dispute that as well. Keep smiling and be well.

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