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The Smallest bedsit in Norwich

For my first three years here I froze.Didn't have to,I had a lovely woodburner and flue but didn't plumb it in. Reason, because I was afraid the Broads Authority would hound me as a liveaboard. Smoke coming out of a chimley is a dead giveaway. But there comes a time to stand up, put your head above the parapet and represent for what you believe. I am Feral! No I am Feral, no i think you'll find that I am the real Feral came the shouts.( Thank you Spartacus) Anyway, it's lovely and toasty in my cabin now.6'6" x 6'6", the galley. Well insulated with a warm amber glow from a pound shop self lighting log. The point is I was under the radar for so long, few knew i was even here. Solar panels for electric, collecting my own water, careful to avoid unnecessary packaging as I disposed of my waste. Off grid and pretty much self sufficient. You come to place greater value on things most people take for granted.Every amp, every litre of water becomes precious. We don't leave lights on or taps running or send tons of unrecyclable waste to landfill. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint to almost zero, move onto a boat. The back of my boat has a soft top.Great for the summer. I can get 10 friends in the wheelhouse and deck. Sun beating down,wind in your hair with a G+T and good company can't be beat. Impossible to heat in the winter and my front berth I use mostly for storage. So, I hunker down in my cabin of 6'6" x 6'6" plus the beautiful outside. The smallest bedsit in Norwich but the best bedsit in Norwich. Stay warm and be well.

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