"The year of the monkey, mango chutney"

The broads are man made. Mostly created by the digging of peat from the bronze age onwards. Jenners basin where I live and call home is the newest. however, unlike the others, this was dug out last century for the sole and express purpose of building, maintaining and mooring of boats. A commercial use of land and water.There have been boats here ever since. there will always be boats here. Commercial usage was ceeded in 1984 to secure private moorings in law in perpetuity., which as far as i'm aware means forever. This was because the developers of the very expensive properties of Thorpe hall close, understandably wanted assurance that commercial usage wouldn't return to this part of the island.Most importantly the Broads Authority were co-signatories to this arrangement. they have reneged on this agreement. at our first meeting with Long and Packman, with a reporter from the EDP present, they offered an olive branch. The promise of a moratorium on eviction for 6 months to facilitate arbitration and seek a negotiated fair outcome for all parties.We cancelled our planned demo.One week later we met with the BA again. They gloated, "the eviction process is now live" The reason, the previous day a high court judge denied our application to appeal the previous decision. This is where it gets disturbingly bonkers. The appointed beak told our barrister, "I cant possibly overrule the previous judge I am a family law expert, I know nothing about planning law.makes a mockery of the system and takes us for fools. I feel slightly embarrassed to even be suprised.To have still had a smidgen of faith in the legal process.Something is seriously rotten in the state of Norfolk. On a lighter note i bought 5 kilos of mango chutney for £8.49 on Saturday and today begins the chinese year of the Monkey.I'm a Monkey! 1968. Fellow Monkeys, this will be our year. Scratch armpits, swing from trees, go "ooh ooh ooh ooh." peace