Jenner’s the truth
The Broads Authority decided to add Jenner’s to their local plan as a way of circumventing the restrictive covenant although crucially, it was their responsibility to ensure that the restrictive covenant was upheld. The word covenant means unbreakable promise, the original given to man by God, after the flood, that he would never send another flood and somewhere there would always be a rainbow, to remind his people of that promise. An example of this is why we have Leicester square, formally a garden that can never be built on. 1, The marina was built as a general purpose marina, for hire boats and private boats which is why the plans included a club house. Also a mooring is a mooring and you do not need extra PP to change from commercial to private use.
2, The covenant was and is a crucial document as the decision letter to build Thorpe Hall estate could not and would not have been issued until it was signed and sealed. 3, The covenant gives and limits PP and limits it to private boats. Paragraph 2 gives planning permission, with 21 Paragraph 4 restricts it to private boats, Paragraph 5 gives an indefinate time limit.
Although the BA know that the evidence they have given firstly to the planning committee then their QC and to the two inspectors and then to the Judge is inaccurate they persist.
Firstly there is the green steel container, which is in fact a fibre glass box trailer 12ft x 7ft 2in which they admit is the same article.I have never agreed to remove it let alone twice as I have been unable to find it.. I did as the committee said, and tried to get planning permission for the trailer but BA refused to let them hear it and returned my cheque
Link to Pictures of "container" 1 and 2
The BA they know that the architect who designed the mooring basin is still in business in Norwich. He has written an affidavit to say that he designed the marina originally for private moorings..
BA have been trying to get rid of us for years. First the house, although it had been lived in for more than 150 years and had 1953 planning permission to be rebuilt in brick. EN19/6/09 Then not to use boats as dwelling houses in spite of commander Ashby living there on “Morning Flight” for 41 years. EN 19/3/10 The latest salvo was.
Link to Enforcement Letter to Cayenne
Link to Enforcement letter to Residents
previously it had been
In spite of the laws of navigation on rivers
In spite of having been told the planning numbers when I first bought the island they insisted to the town council and their planning committee that there was no planning permission.
Before we bought the site we were told by BA that change from hire boats to private boats did not require PP.
Professor Burgess should not be chair of any committee when she isn’t professional enough to control herself and committee members from using derogatory and emotive language such as “shanty town” and “feral”.
What the RBOA say about us and the BA
This was all taken down in shorthand by EDP reporter
Also the Committee recently gave planning permission for 10 house boats at the Waveney river centre which I personally am very happy about because although it is against the local plan. the owner is a good chap and a member of one of their committees
When the basin was dug under PP BF8095 there were also plans to build reception and storage buildings to operate a marina PP BF10963.
Specific PP for the mooring of private boats was given in PP 84/0447
Link - See Page Three, Paragraph 2-4.
Then of course although they lost the case of charging tolls in adjacent waters.
They still insist it only applies to Alan Fry and that the rest of us will still have to pay for house boats in adjacent waters.
The BA were told by the government to encourage houseboats but they continue to ignore it.
local housing needs